Branch Focus Areas

  • Provide insights and analysis on Oklahoma’s economy.
  • Lead energy research and business surveys for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and Federal Reserve System.
  • Promote economic and financial education and understanding of the Federal Reserve.
  • Support community economic growth through research and resources for bankers, economic developers and small business owners.
  • Promote a safe, stable and competitive banking system through the supervision and regulation of financial institutions.

Oklahoma City Branch Board of Directors

Each Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has its own seven-member Board of Directors. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City appoints four of these directors, while the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C. appoints the other three directors. Branch directors serve three-year terms and provide Oklahoma City Branch Executive Chad Wilkerson with insight on regional economic conditions as well as advice and counsel.

Oklahoma City Branch Board

Current Oklahoma City Board of Directors

Dana S. Weber
Chair of Branch Board
CEO and Board Chair Webco Industries, Inc.
Sand Springs, Oklahoma

Mark Burrage
Chief Executive Officer FirstBank
Atoka, Oklahoma

Scott Case
President Case & Associates Properties, Inc.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

J. Walter Duncan IV
President Duncan Oil Properties, Inc.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Rhonda Hooper
President and Chief Executive Officer Jordan Advertising
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Terry Salmon
President CSD
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Brady Sidwell
Owner and Principal Sidwell Strategies, LLC
Enid, Oklahoma

Public Outreach

Public Outreach and Community Engagement:

  • Work with Oklahoma educators to equip them with resources and training to teach economic and personal finance concepts.
  • Partner with Oklahoma Council on Economic Education and Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition to provide programs focused on students, educators and the low- and moderate-income community.
  • Join with non-profits, bankers and government entities to support efforts in entrepreneurship-based economic development, workforce development, community investments and neighborhood stabilization.
  • Meet with community and business organizations about economic conditions in the state and gather information and insights about diverse perspectives on the economy.

Branch Contacts

Oklahoma City Branch Executive
Chad Wilkerson, Senior Vice President and Economist

Public Affairs, Media Relations and Speech Requests:
Sarah Dickson, Public Affairs Director

Economic and Financial Education:
Austin Terry, Public Affairs Specialist

Community Development:
Steven Shepelwich, Lead Community Development Advisor

About the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

The Federal Reserve Act in 1913 established a framework for a decentralized central bank, one that included a regional structure of 12 Reserve Banks around the country. The Act also extended that regional presence by providing for Branch offices. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City serves seven states: Kansas, western Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado and northern New Mexico. There are three Branches in the Tenth District in Denver, Oklahoma City and Omaha.

Oklahoma City Branch Fact Sheet