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Community Connections

Get information on community and economic development trends across the Tenth Federal Reserve District.

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Notes from the community: Childcare

Childcare providers had a lot to tell us about challenges facing their industry and families they serve.

Kansas City Fed seeks advisory council applicants

We are interested in applicants with expertise in digital inclusion, financial stability, labor, or Native/Tribal communities.

Hundreds of Kansans tackle the state’s growing need for housing

More than 700 Kansans explored promising ways to address the state’s housing needs during the 2024 Kansas Housing Conference.

Community Conditions Survey, created by the Kansas City Fed, goes national

See results from the new national Community Perspectives Survey, tracking conditions of lower-income people.

Disaster financial preparedness: It’s about mitigating risk and doing the right thing

Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and costly. Plan.Prepare.Prevail can help households and small businesses recover.

One site links you to community development solutions, data and resources from all 12 Reserve Banks

Fed Communities has resources for you on a host of community development topics, and from all 12 Reserve Banks.

New website offers engaging look at the Fed and its work

The Federal Reserve Explained is an engaging, plain-language website about the Fed’s mission and methods.

At midway point, new advisor shares the unfolding story of her Nebraska tour

What is and isn't working to increase economic opportunity for lower income Nebraskans? Rachael Surmick tells the story.

Long-term deposit in Native-owned bank spurs investment in Habitat Denver

Native American Bank made a different kind of pitch at the Denver Investment Connection event, and it worked.