The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City conducts recurring surveys in agriculture, energy, manufacturing, services, LMI conditions and lending across the seven-state region in the Tenth Federal Reserve District. The information collected is a valuable component of regional economic analysis.
Outlook Surveys
Ag Credit Survey
The quarterly Survey of Agricultural Credit Conditions provides indicators of financial performance of Tenth District Agriculture.
Energy Survey
The Energy Survey monitors energy firms located and/or headquartered in the Tenth District, with results based on total firm...
Manufacturing Survey
The Survey of Tenth District Manufacturers provides information on manufacturing activity in the Tenth Federal Reserve District.
Services Survey
The Services Survey results reveal changes in several indicators of activity including sales, revenue, employment, and capital...
Small Business Lending Survey
The survey is used to understand credit market conditions for bank lending to small businesses.
Community Conditions Survey
The Community Conditions Survey is used to monitor the economic conditions of low-and-moderate (LMI) income communities across...