Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

The Kansas City Fed developed an array of materials to help you prepare before a public health or natural disaster strikes.


We promote economic development and public understanding that leads to progress for lower-income individuals and communities.

Our work

Community Development News

News you can use about important topics on community development in the Tenth District and around the Federal Reserve System.

Community Development Investments

We provide CRA-related resources and programs to assist organizations working in low- and moderate-income communities.

Digital Divide

Our work to bridge the digital divide focuses on promoting access to affordable home broadband, and the skills and devices needed.

Workforce Development

We promote community growth and opportunity by providing successful models for employment and training programs.

Community Research

Our research focuses on challenging issues affecting economic prospects in low- and moderate- income communities.

Meet the Team

We promote economic development and public understanding that leads to progress for lower-income individuals and communities.


Fed Communities is a project that amplifies the Fed's work in low- and moderate-income communities and other underserved areas.

Community Development resources

Community Development

Economic and Small Business Development

We provide information, research and resources for economic developers and small business owners.

Community Development

Strategic Partner Engagement

We seek to strengthen our relationships with diverse professionals through tailored programs and timely resources.

Community Development

Nonprofit Management Resources

Get help with fund development, program design, operations and strategy.


Community Development Advisory Council

The Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC) was established in 2001 and provides insights on community and economic development challenges faced by low- to...


Consumer information

Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

Be prepared before a public health or natural disaster strikes your household, community or small business.


Putting your paycheck to work

Why is the money you receive in your paycheck less than your total earnings? Learn where that money goes.


A Borrowing Guide for Tribal Members

This brochure is intended to help tribal members understand the loan process to build on or own Indian tribal trust land.