
Our research staff conducts innovative research on monetary policy, the payments system, and regional and community issues.

Latest Research

Economic Bulletin

Why Are Multifamily Property Prices Falling?

Price declines for multifamily properties may reflect investor pessimism, not just changes in housing market fundamentals.

Research Working Paper

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Inter-state Mobility and Earnings Gains of Young College Graduates

Lower earnings gains and higher initial debt help explain why young college graduates are less likely to move across state lines.

Payments System Research Briefing

The Role of Nonbanks and Fintechs in Boosting India’s UPI Person-to-Merchant Transactions

Nonbank and fintech services have helped expand the use of India’s instant payment system for person-to-merchant payments.

National and International

Banking, Payments

Banking and Payments

Issues affecting the banking and payments industries

Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Research

Research focusing on national and international economic issues

Data and Trends

Kansas City Financial Stress Index

The KCFSI is a monthly measure of stress in the U.S. financial system based on 11 financial market variables.

Data and Trends

Labor Market Conditions Indicators

The Kansas City Fed Labor Market Conditions Indicators (LMCI) are two monthly measures of labor market conditions based on 24 labor market variables.


Tenth District


Agricultural Research

Insights on agricultural and rural economies


Energy Research

Insights on the energy industry


Regional Research

Economic geography and developments for monetary policy deliberations

Community Research

Community Research

Research on challenging issues affecting economic prospects in low- and moderate- income communities