Advance your high school students’ knowledge of money through this comprehensive eight-lesson curriculum series that will engage and challenge them to apply both personal finance and economic perspectives when it comes to money. Help develop students’ awareness as consumers, while improving their decision-making and financial planning skills.

Download the entire curriculum, or browse the individual lessons.

Theme One: Money Fundamentals

Interpret the History, Functions and Characteristics of Money

  • Lesson One: Money Is What Money Does
    Read and develop a role play to demonstrate why money takes the shapes and forms that it does, as well as money's characteristics and functions within economies throughout history.
  • Lesson Two: Evolution of Money
    Review examples of forms of currency and discuss characteristics of currency over time.

Theme Two: Money Principles

Evaluate Learning, Earning and Spending on Financial Well-Being

  • Lesson One: Learn to Earn
    Research a future job and determine the qualifications, skills and knowledge needed to obtain the job, as well as costs, benefits and income levels of differing career paths.
  • Lesson Two: Credit – Friend or Foe?
    Evaluate spending vs. credit and factors involved with creditworthiness and learn to avoid pitfalls associated with the misuse of credit.

Theme Three: Money Management

Evaluate Learning, Earning and Spending on Financial Well-Being

  • Lesson One: Money Logic
    Investigate what financial wealth is and how to achieve it by exercising systematic decision-making principles.
  • Two: Money Magic
    Compare and contrast saving and investing alternatives while differentiating available saving and investing tools.

Theme Four: Money Flow

Analyze the role and tools of the Federal Reserve in monetary policy.