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Research Working Papers

Working papers cover a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, payment methods, banking and more.

Recent Papers

Research Working Paper

Asset Purchases in a Monetary Union with Default and Liquidity Risks

Central bank asset purchases can effectively stabilize economic conditions, especially in scenarios of elevated financial stress.

Research Working Paper | Banking and Finance | Macroeconomics | Monetary Policy | Quantitative Methods
Research Working Paper

Risk-on/Risk-off: Measuring Shifts in Investor Sentiment

A new measure of investor sentiment outperforms similar measures in forecasting investment activity in emerging markets.

Research Working Paper | Banking and Finance | Data and Trends | International
Research Working Paper

Creative Destruction and the Reallocation of Capital in Rural and Urban Areas

The higher rate of entries and exits among food manufacturing firms in urban versus rural areas has increased over time.

Research Working Paper | Economic Geography | Regional
Research Working Paper

Mismatch Unemployment During COVID-19 and the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortages

During the post-pandemic recovery, sectors with larger mismatch unemployment saw higher growth in labor costs.

Research Working Paper | Covid-19 Research | Economic Geography | Labor and Demographics | Macroeconomics
Research Working Paper

Defining Households That Are Underserved in Digital Payment Services

We consider four elements—access, use, safety, and affordability—in our definition of households underserved in digital payments.

Research Working Paper | Banking and Finance | Law and Economics | Payments
Research Working Paper

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Inter-state Mobility and Earnings Gains of Young College Graduates

Lower earnings gains and higher initial debt help explain why young college graduates are less likely to move across state lines.

Research Working Paper | Economic Geography | Labor and Demographics | Macroeconomics | Quantitative Methods
Research Working Paper

Does Risk-Taking Increase or Decrease with Higher Interest Rates?

Interest rates can affect borrowers’ risk-taking indirectly by changing their demand for credit and volume of investment.

Research Working Paper | Banking and Finance | Monetary Policy
Research Working Paper

Heterogeneity in Household Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy

A tightening in monetary policy can lower inflation expectations even among households whose expectations are especially high.

Research Working Paper | Inflation | Macroeconomics | Monetary Policy | Quantitative Methods
Research Working Paper

Flood Risk Exposures and Mortgage-Backed Security Asset Performance and Risk Sharing

Flood risk has historically resulted in poorer performance for both individual mortgages and mortgage-backed securities.

Research Working Paper | Economic Geography | Housing | Natural Resources and Environment
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