The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City is a leader in providing information on tools and resources on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The following provides tools for understanding CRA, upcoming forums to connect with CRA opportunities, and a variety of training events.

Resources for Understanding CRA: CRA OneSource
CRA OneSource is a one stop resource for CRA guides, templates and webinars. CRA OneSource was developed to assist bankers and community leaders with tools and resources that are easy to use and apply. The site is valuable for those new or very familiar with the CRA. All materials on CRA OneSource are developed by the Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. 

Visit the new resources in Workforce Development and CRA and the Digital Divide and CRA for information and ideas for loans, investments and services.  

Connect with CRA Opportunities: Investment Connection
CRA officers wanting to identify CRA opportunities in their assessment area should visit Investment Connection. In-person Investment Connection Forums are also held across the KC Fed’s seven-state district. Check the list of upcoming Investment Connection programs, review the website for proposals in need of funding and find out what others are saying about Investment Connection.  

Upcoming Investment Connection Forums include:

  • Investment Connection New Mexico, Albuquerque, April 17
  • Investment Connection Colorado, Denver, Aug. 15
  • Investment Connection Oklahoma, Tulsa, Oct. 10
  • Investment Connection Nebraska, Omaha, Nov. 8
  • Investment Connection Kansas City, Nov. 16

Upcoming CRA-related conferences and trainings
The following outlines CRA-related conferences and trainings for 2018: 

  • National Interagency CRA Conference, Miami, March 19-21
  • Advanced CRA for Bankers, Tulsa, April 19
  • New Mexico Interagency CRA Officer Roundtable, Albuquerque, May 10
  • Advanced CRA for Bankers, Salina, July 31
  • Oklahoma Interagency CRA Officer Roundtable, Oklahoma City, Sept. 18
  • Colorado Interagency CRA Officer Roundtable, Denver, Sept. 25
  • New Mexico Interagency CRA Officer Roundtable, Las Cruces, Nov. 2
  • Wyoming Interagency CRA Officer Roundtable, Casper, fourth quarter
  • Nebraska Interagency CRA Officer Roundtable, Omaha, TBD


Ariel Cisneros

Senior Advisor

Ariel Cisneros is a lead community development advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City at the Denver Branch. Cisneros focuses on the community and economic developme…

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