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RWP 23-08, June 2023

Using multi-year survey data, we conduct a regression model analysis to examine which types of unbanked households are more likely to open a bank account and which types are less likely. We proxy for households’ likelihood of opening a bank account using their prior banking status and interest in having a bank account. Unbanked households who previously had a bank account and are interested in having a bank account are more likely to open an account. These households tend to be more educated, to be native-born, to use alternative financial services, and to have access to digital technology. In contrast, households who never had a bank account and are uninterested in a bank account are less likely to open an account. These households tend to be less educated, to be of a racial minority, to be foreign born, to lack access to digital technology, and to rely heavily on cash. Moreover, they tend to distrust banks. Advancing financial inclusion for this group will require strategies to increase their trust in the financial services industry.

JEL Classifications: D12, G21, G23, G41

Article Citation

  • Hayashi, Fumiko, Aditi Routh, and Ying Lei Toh. 2023. “Which Types of Unbanked Households Are More (or Less) Like to Open a Bank Account?” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Research Working Paper no. 23-08, June. Available at External Link


Fumiko Hayashi

Vice President

Fumiko Hayashi is a Vice President specializing in payments in the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Since joining the Federal Reserve in 2…

Aditi Routh


Aditi Routh is an Economist in the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Her research focuses on payment behavior of consumers, the financially…

Ying Lei Toh

Senior Economist

Ying Lei Toh is a senior economist in the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Ms. Toh joined the Bank in 2018, after earning her Ph.D. in Eco…