The Federal Reserve System takes its role seriously as a service provider of the nation’s payments system. Because we strive to minimize the likelihood of a service disruption and any potential impact on you and your customers, we continually update our business continuity plans. We encourage you and your staff to become familiar with these procedures and keep a paper copy on hand for quick reference during an emergency.

Disruption to National Services

For details on continuity plans related to our national services (listed below), please refer to the External LinkNational Business Continuity Guide on our national Financial Services Web site.

Account Services, FedACHSM, Cash, Reserve Admin., Check, Statistical Reporting, Discount Window, Treasury Services, Electronic Access and Wholesale Services.

The guide provides the following:

  • Steps to take to prepare for a Federal Reserve business disruption
  • Actions to take during a Federal Reserve business disruption
  • Actions to take immediately following a Federal Reserve business disruption

Disruption to Local Services

Business continuity information on Tenth District Cash and Check Services is available on this site and will continue to be updated locally on a regular basis. The local External LinkCash Services continuity plan covers ordering and depositing currency and coin in the event of a service disruption in our Cash operations. The local External LinkCheck Services continuity plan addresses how to obtain information on shipping and drop points for deposits during a business disruption.

In the event of a service disruption at any of our four office locations, you may continue to call (800) 333-1010 for assistance.

Cash Services

In the Event of a Business Disruption at the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Cash Services maintains comprehensive business continuity plans that will be activated in the event of a business disruption. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s business continuity plans are aligned with those of other Federal Reserve Districts to support continuity of service. Please visit our External Linknational Cash Services business continuity page for more information.

If the normal provision of Cash Services is disrupted, Tenth District customers will be notified via a FedLine® broadcast message, fax or telephone call.

Accessing Federal Reserve Cash Services

If your normal currency and coin ordering channels are unavailable, you can also place orders by contacting your local Federal Reserve office via telephone. Please see the contact numbers provided below.

If a Tenth District office is inaccessible for an extended period of time, your financial institution may be directed to place orders with other Federal Reserve offices. You may also be informed about restrictions on currency and coin orders and deposits and directed to alternative pick-up and delivery points.

Important Contact Information

If your normal currency and coin ordering channels are unavailable, please call the following contact numbers to place your orders:

Kansas City Office:

Telephone orders - currency and coin - (800) 333-6818
After-hours contact number - (800) 333-1010

Denver Office:

Telephone orders - currency and coin - (800) 379-5313
After-hours contact number - (800) 333-1020

Oklahoma City Office:

Contact 11th District - (214) 922-6815

Omaha Office:

Contact Kansas City Office - (800) 333-6818

If Branch numbers are still not available, please contact the Kansas City main office number at (800) 333-1010.

Check Services

In the Event of a Business Disruption at the Federal Reserve

During a business disruption, Federal Reserve staff will work to ensure the highest possible level of service for our customers. National continuity information is available on the External Linknational business continuity site and on the External LinkChecks Services Business Continuity site. In addition, two national support numbers are available to answer questions on business continuity issues.

National Check Services Help Line - 877-372-2457

Check 21 Support - 800-762-0713

If National numbers are not available, please contact the Kansas City main office number at (800) 333-1010.

How the Federal Reserve Will Contact You

Notification procedures will vary depending on the nature of the disruption and the availability of resources. We will provide information regarding any new deadlines, availability or other specific instructions. Our primary communication method is Fedline for the Web Customer Service Notifications for short-term disruptions (up to two days). For disruptions lasting longer than two days, we will also update the Federal Reserve Bank Services Web site to provide critical information for all our customers. For more information, please visit our External LinkChecks Information Web page that contains information on all check-related communications.

The "FedLine" and "FedACH" are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of the Federal Reserve Banks. A complete list of marks owned by the Federal Reserve Banks is available at External