
The Kansas City Fed and its Branches in Denver, Oklahoma City and Omaha are guided by its Executive Leadership Council, senior leaders, Boards of Directors and advisory councils.

Meet our leaders

Senior Management

Senior Management guides our organization's mission, vision, values and objectives.

Board of Directors

Each of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks is led by a local board of directors. The Board ensures broad and diverse views from the...

Accountability and Governance

Under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Federal Reserve structure incorporates elements of the public and private sector in...

Advisory Councils


Community Development Advisory Council

The Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC) was established in 2001 and provides insights on community and economic development challenges faced by low- to...


Economic Advisory Council

Established in 1985, the Economic Advisory Council (EAC) consists of business representatives from across the Tenth Federal Reserve District. The EAC meets with...


10J Payments Advisory Group

Members of JPAG represent financial institutions around the Tenth District.


Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council

Established in 2011, the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council (CDIAC) provides a forum for small financial institutions.


Branch Leadership


Nate Kauffman

Senior Vice President, Economist and Omaha Branch Executive


Nicholas Sly

Vice President and Denver Branch Executive