University representatives learn more about Kansas City Fed's values, culture

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City recently hosted Campus Day at the Fed, an opportunity for faculty and staff from colleges and universities in the Kansas City Fed’s recruitment area to learn more about the Bank. About 50 representatives of 22 colleges and universities attended. Among institutions represented were Creighton University, the University of Nebraska, Kansas State University and the University of Missouri-Columbia.

“Events like this are key to building our partnerships with faculty and staff as we aim to attract top talent,” said Tara Schreiner, a Kansas City Fed employee in human resources.

The day’s events included an overview and tour of the Kansas City Fed and a look at career opportunities; a discussion about technology at the Bank; a panel discussion with managers, recent graduates and interns; an overview of leadership at the Bank; a discussion about the Bank’s commitment to diversity and inclusion; and remarks from Bank President Esther L. George.

“Throughout the day, we tell them what we are looking for, what our culture is like and what we value here at the Bank,” Schreiner said.

Deatrea Rose, director of student diversity programs at Pittsburg State University, said she left the event better equipped to talk with her students about career opportunities at the Kansas City Fed.

“I enjoyed learning about the development programs, onboarding and focus on learning new skills,” she said. “This was very beneficial for us.”

Ashley Motley, assistant director of the career center at Kansas State University, enjoyed learning more about the culture at the Kansas City Fed.

“To hear directly from the president about the three core values here was really helpful,” she said. “I can emphasize to our students, especially those in leadership studies, how what they are learning will be applicable in a professional environment.”

Find out more about careers at the Kansas City Fed.

Three Kansas City Fed bank examiners receive Taylor Award

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s Jim Austin, Sherry Higginbotham and Beth Windsor recently were selected as recipients of the William Taylor Award for Excellence in Bank Supervision in the Federal Reserve System. The award recognizes individuals who demonstrated sustained and extraordinary achievement and professionalism in the performance of their responsibilities.

Austin and Higginbotham were recognized for their history of outstanding contributions to community bank supervision in the Tenth District and the System, and recent extraordinary actions in supervision of a distressed state member bank. Windsor was recognized for her outstanding contributions in supporting fair lending work.

“On a day-to-day basis, examiners deal with problems at financial institutions before they surface,” Kansas City Fed President Esther L. George said during a reception for the recipients. “They provide a real service and make sure the financial system is safe. This is meaningful work to the Federal Reserve System and these examiners follow a long line of Kansas City Fed examiners who represent the best of who we are and what we do.

“I am proud, not only of how you carry out your role, but of the integrity with which you do that,” she told the recipients.

The award commemorates William Taylor’s integrity and contributions to both the Federal Reserve and the banking system as a whole, and represents the supervision function’s highest honor. The award was established in Taylor’s memory after he died of a heart attack at age 53. Taylor had served as director of the Division of Banking, Supervision and Regulation for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., from 1984 to 1991. Following that, Taylor was chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Read more about Taylor’s legacy in “Integrity, Fairness and Resolve: Lessons from Bill Taylor and the Last Financial Crisis.”

Employees at Kansas City Fed’s Oklahoma City Branch support United Way of Central Oklahoma

The Kansas City Fed’s Oklahoma City Branch typically sets the pace for the United Way of Central Oklahoma with a fundraising drive that occurs ahead of the official start of the fall campaign. Branch employees have been longtime supporters of United Way and the Oklahoma City Branch joined other major Oklahoma City organizations 10 years ago in leading the campaign as a Pacesetter organization.

“I’m proud of the Oklahoma City Branch employees and our participation as a Pacesetter organization,” said Oklahoma City Branch Executive Chad Wilkerson. “It is a great example to other companies that the Fed is more than what people read about in the newspaper—that we have employees dedicated to the Oklahoma City community.”

During the Pacesetter campaign, Oklahoma City Branch employees experienced first hand the impact of United Way.

“Touring a United Way agency in our community gives us a chance to see how donations to United Way make a positive impact on our neighbors who are struggling or in need,” said Haley Burson, who works in Human Resources at the Oklahoma City Branch.

In 2016, Pacesetter organizations raised more than $4.3 million to support the work of United Way and its partner organizations in central Oklahoma, where more than 75 percent of United Way’s funding is raised by individuals who pledge at the workplace. Branch employees raised more than $275 per capita through special events, payroll contributions and one-time donations for the 2017 campaign.

Learn more about the Kansas City Fed’s Oklahoma City Branch

Kansas City Fed’s Student Board alumni reconnect at reception

Six classes of Student Board of Directors members recently were invited to attend a Student Board Alumni reception at the Kansas City Fed. The Student Board program was developed in 2012 as a way to invite high-achieving high school students into the Fed to learn about the economy, the role of the Reserve Banks and to develop career skills. The students, at the Kansas City headquarters and the branch offices, act as board members during the school year, attending meetings about the economy, touring local businesses and practicing their business skills. More than 150 students have participated in the program.

The alumni reception offered students from the Kansas City program a chance to reconnect and meet others who have participated in the program. Kansas City Fed President Esther L. George and other members of senior leadership greeted and welcomed the alumni.

“It was an exceptional event,” said Trudie Hall, a Kansas City Fed employee who leads the Kansas City Student Board. “There were great opportunities for networking and the alumni board members seemed to enjoy the program.”

Alina Crouch, a Student Board member from 2014-2015 who interned with the Kansas City Fed during the summer of 2015 with Summer @ the Fed, just completed her sophomore year at Harvard University. Through her work with Summer @ the Fed, a program that trains interns to teach elementary-school-aged children lessons related to financial education, Crouch learned she has a love of teaching.

“Through this program, I learned how to get points across to students and develop my own curriculum,” Crouch said. “I learned that I want to teach subjects I’m passionate about.”

Kenji Walker interned at the Kansas City Fed in the Public Affairs Department during the past summer after participating in the 2013-2014 Student Board program. “The Bank helped me learn about the professional world,” Walker said. “If it weren’t for the Federal Reserve, I wouldn’t have been exposed to internships and other great opportunities.”

Two Kansas City Fed employees at the reception, Jared Freemon and Paula Odu, participated in the Student Board program as high school seniors. They are the first Student Board graduates to be hired by the Bank.

“I learned a lot about the Federal Reserve during the Student Board program,” Odu said. “Not only its main functions, but also other aspects of the system, and there were so many possibilities.”

Learn more about the Student Board of Directors program.