7:30 AM
Energy Conference Registration and Breakfast
8:00 AM
Alison Felix
Denver Branch Executive, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
8:05 AM
Opening Keynote
Esther George
President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
8:50 AM
Session I: Outlook for Global Crude Oil Markets
Session Chair: External LinkMine Yucel, Senior Vice President, Dallas Fed
- Global Economic Outlook: External LinkTorsten Slok, Deutsche Bank
- General: External LinkJim Burkhard, IHS Markit
- Geopolitics: External LinkKevin Book, Clearview Energy Partners, LLC
10:05 AM
10:15 AM
Session II: Renewable Transitions and the U.S. Power Generation Mix
Session Chair: Jason Brown, Assistant Vice President, Kansas City Fed
- General Renewables: Matt DePrato, Wood Mackenzie
- Utility: External LinkAlice Jackson, Xcel Energy
- Renewable Technology: External LinkJill Engel-Cox, NREL/JISEA
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
Luncheon Keynote
External LinkBill Ritter
Director, Center for the New Energy Economy
Session III: Transitions in Energy Finance
Session Chair: Jill Cetina, Vice President, Dallas Fed
- Oil and Gas: External LinkBobby Tudor, Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co.
- Derivatives: External LinkChristopher Edmonds, ICE
- Renewable: External LinkJim Hughes, Prisma Energy
2:10 PM
2:20 PM
Panel Discussion with Energy Executives
Moderator: Chad Wilkerson, Oklahoma City Branch Executive, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Exploration & Production: Brad Holly, External LinkWhiting Petroleum
- Oilfield Services: External LinkChris Wright, Liberty Oilfield Services
- Utility: External LinkMary Kipp, Puget Sound Energy
3:10 PM
Moderated Q & A
External LinkRob Kaplan, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Moderator: External LinkCindy Taylor, Oil States International
3:55 PM
Closing Remarks by Conference Organizers
Chad Wilkerson, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
External LinkMine Yucel, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
4:00 PM
If you are interested in more information about the Energy Conference, please contact Pam Campbell.