The Money Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City- Denver Branch strives to offer the best experience for all of our guests. This page will provide information regarding accessibility to the museum. If you have questions regarding your visit, please contact us at 303-572-2385 or

Accessible Parking

Additional accommodations can be made for visitors with valid Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) disability parking placards or license plates. All parking requests must be made 15 days in advance. Please contact us if you have questions regarding accessible parking.


Our visitor entrance to the museum, exhibits, and interactives are accessible and viewable on the main level of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City-Denver Branch.


All guests should be prepared for the Bank’s security screening, which includes screening of all bags and purses and a walk-through or a hand held metal detector. Screening may take several minutes depending on the flow of visitor traffic, so we recommend giving yourself ample time for your visit. United States residents over the age of 18 will be required to provide a valid government-issued ID (ex. driver’s license). International guests will be required to show a valid passport. If your group has guests over the age of 18 without a valid ID, some accommodations can be made. Please contact us at 303-572-2429.

Guests Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

All self-guided virtual experiences are accessible for guests who are deaf or are hard of hearing. Please feel free to contact us if you have any special requests regarding your visit.

Visitors with Mobility Disabilities

A courtesy wheelchair is available at the visitor entrance; please let our Law Enforcement Officers know if you require a wheelchair during your visit. The wheelchair is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding wheelchair availability.

Visitors who are Blind or Have Low Vision

Accommodations can be made to provide accessible experiences for guests who are blind or have low vision. Please feel free to contact us if you have any special requests regarding your visit.