Community Banking Bulletin

Provides insights on trends or activities of primary interest to the community banking industry.

Recent Highlights and Features

Highlight: Asset maturity and repricing dates decline to pre-pandemic levels

Amid an elevated interest rate environment, CBOs continue to shorten the maturity and repricing dates…

Highlight: Community bank focus on small business lending

Although community banks continue to allocate more of their portfolios to small business lending…

Highlight: Brokered and reciprocal deposits increase at community banks

Several factors have affected the trend in brokered and reciprocal deposits at community banks

Highlight: CRE concentration and ACL levels stabilize

CRE concentrations and ACL levels at community banks have stabilized in 1Q 2024, both above 10-year averages

Highlight: Nonperforming loan levels remain low overall

Though credit conditions have experienced slight deterioration, nonperforming loans remain at low levels across most loan types...

Highlight: Community bank deposit pricing becoming more sensitive as policy rates remain stable

Community banks were slower to raise deposit rates in the early stage of the rising rate cycle but increased the pace in 2023…

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