Teaching Tips: High School

Teaching Tips 2.0 - Opportunity Occupations
Access interdisciplinary resources for students on career exploration.

PDFTracking Consumer Credit Trends
Learn about credit and consumer debt trends.

PDFStudent Loan Debt
Identify the consequences of borrowing and the responsibilities of loan repayment.

PDFRebuilding Rural Manufacturing
Discuss the recent rebound in rural manufacturing due to increased productivity in high-skilled manufacturing industries.

PDFFood Prices and Global Trends
Take an in-depth look global and U.S. food price trends and learn how high agriculture commodity prices drive global food prices.

PDFRecessions 101
Examine when an economy officially enters a recessionary period.

PDFIs Your Bank Account Safe?
Learn what happens when a bank fails and how the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation steps in following a bank's closing.

PDFEducation, Minorities and Job Opportunities
Review the correlation between educational level and job opportunities for minorities in the Midwest.

PDFCan Ethanol Power the Rural Economy?
Learn more about the growth and success of ethanol in many rural communities across the nation.

Teaching Tips: Middle School

PDFIs Your Bank Account Safe?
Learn what happens when a bank fails and how the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation steps in following a bank's closing.