Subscribe Share Broadband Data Walk John James, Wendell Phillips Downtown East Neighborhood Association, welcomes neighbors. William Wells, aSTEAM Village, explains what the group will be discussing that evening. Jeremy Hegle, Kansas City Fed, facilitates a discussion about where people choose not to subscribe to the internet. Jarede Swinton, a high school student involved in aSTEAM Village, encourages discussion among her group. Justin Adams, aSTEAM Village, shares data about availability and pricing of broadband in the neighborhood. Johari Primos, a high school student involved with aSTEAM Village, encourages discussion on why people choose to subscribe to broadband. Jarede Swinton shares high points from the small-group discussion she facilitated. The partners provide every participant with background information about broadband. Kim Randolph, Heartland Black Chamber president and CEO, talks with Jeremy Hegle, assistant vice president and community affairs officer, after she participated in the data walk process. Share Article: