Reimagining workforce development efforts as investments—not just social services—can lead to better outcomes for individuals, more competitive businesses and regional economic growth. It also can help unlock the potential of our nation’s workforce. A new book due out Nov. 9, 2018, shares the latest thinking on how to maximize that investment.

Book highlights research, effective practices
Investing in America's Workforce: Improving Outcomes for Workers and Employers  is the result of a multiyear effort of the Federal Reserve System. The book includes the voices of more than 100 contributing authors who share research, effective practices and resources on workforce development.

The book is divided into three volumes: Investing in Workers, Investing in Work and Investing in Systems for Employment Opportunity. Each volume contains discrete sections made up of chapters that identify specific workforce development programs and policies that provide positive returns to society, employers and job seekers.

Preview chapters available now
Select chapters are available now online; each previews the range of issues addressed in the book:

  • Maureen Conway of the Aspen Institute explores how reimagining the structure of work, especially within low-wage jobs, can benefit workers and drive better results for businesses.
  • Brian Dabson of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill examines challenges to achieving economic opportunity in rural regions and how technology and globalization have affected industries and labor markets.
  • Heath Prince of the Ray Marshall Center discusses new financing strategies for rebalancing the costs, risks and rewards for human capital development among employers, individuals and society.

These chapters and a preview of the book's table of contents are available at External

Learn more about Investing in America’s Workforce
Investing in America's Workforce is a collaboration of the External LinkFederal Reserve System, External LinkHeldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University, the External LinkRay Marshall Center at the University of Texas at Austin and the External LinkW.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. To learn more about this initiative, visit the Investing in America's Workforce External Linkwebsite or contact Steven Shepelwich, senior community development advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

Related resources
External LinkInvesting in America’s Workforce: A Federal Reserve System initiative
Workforce Development at the Kansas City Fed: News and resources for workforce development professionals
Workforce Development Policies for the 21st Century: A Federal Reserve System compendium