The following resources may be helpful for member banks.

Supervisory Guidance and Examination Manuals

External LinkSR Letter 11-13: Guidance Regarding Prior Notices with Respect to Dividend Declarations by Savings Associations with SLHCs

External LinkSR Letter 11-12: Deregistration Procedures for Certain Savings and Loan Holding Companies

External LinkSR Letter 11-11/CA 11-5: Supervision of Savings and Loan Holding Companies (SLHCs)

Other Applicable Supervisory Guidance

The Board of Governors (Board) is reviewing Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) guidance and it has found that much of the OTS guidance is similar to Board issued guidance or was issued on an interagency basis.  As noted in External LinkSR 11-11/CA 11-5, the Board intends to publish more detailed information about the application of Board supervisory guidance to SLHCs at a later date.  The principles that will be used to supervise SLHCs during the first supervisory cycle are largely set forth in:

External LinkSR Letter 13-21: Inspection Frequency and Scope Requirements for Bank Holding Companies and Savings and Loan Holding Companies with Total Consolidated Assets of $10 Billion or Less

External LinkSR Letter 13-13/CA Letter 13-10: Supervisory Considerations for the Communication of Supervisory Findings

External LinkSR Letter 09-4: Applying Supervisory Guidance and Regulations on the Payment of Dividends, Stock Redemptions, and Stock Repurchases at Bank Holding Companies

External LinkSR Letter 08-9/CA Letter 08-12: Consolidated Supervision of Bank Holding Companies and the Combined U.S. Operations of Foreign Banking Organizations

External LinkSR Letter 04-18: Bank Holding Company Rating System

External LinkSR Letter 12-17/CA 12-14: Consolidated Supervision Framework for Large Financial Institutions

External LinkSR Letter 97-24: Risk-Focused Framework for Supervision of Large Complex Institutions

Federal Reserve Bank Holding Company Supervision Manual:

Policy Statements/Notices of Intent/Proposals

External LinkNotice of Intent to Apply Certain Supervisory Guidance to SLHCs

External LinkNotice of Intent to Continue Application of Regulations to SLHCs

External LinkInterim Final Rule Establishing Regulations to SLHCs

External LinkProposals Regarding SLHC Regulatory Reporting

Learn More

Computer-based training modules applicable to various areas of banking and banking regulation are available. Specific modules of interest to SLHC directors and management include:

External LinkInternal/External Audit

External LinkBank Director Training and Related Resources

The External LinkFederal Reserve Regulatory Service contains all Board regulations plus related statuses, interpretations, policy statements, rulings and staff opinions.  Available as a four-volume loose-leaf set or on CD-ROM.  For those with specialized interests, the four parts of this service are published separately as handbooks.