Bank Performance Reports
External LinkCall Report and Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) (FFIEC)
Users can display facsimiles of the quarterly financial data (Reports of Condition and Income, also known as Call Report data) filed by financial institutions for each quarter, beginning with March 2001. In addition, users can access the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR), which is a multi-page financial analysis of a commercial bank or savings bank that files the Call Report.
External LinkUser's Guide to the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) (FFIEC)
An online manual to instruct on how to interpret the UBPR.
Bank Holding Company Performance Reports
External LinkBank Holding Company Performance Report (BHCPR) (FFIEC)
Derived from bank holding company Y-series financial reports, a bank holding company's performance and balance sheet structure is compared to similarly sized institutions.
External LinkBHCPR Peer Group Average Performance Report (FFIEC)
Contains a summary of aggregate peer group financial data and a listing of bank holding companies in each peer group.
Data Repositories
External LinkNational Information Center (Federal Reserve System)
Search for financial data on individual banks and bank holding companies.